Airtel Payments Bank collaborated with Noise, India’s leading smartwatch brand, and Mastercard, a global technology company in the payments space, to unveil A New Way to Pay. The entities have come together to launch the Bank’s Airtel Payments Bank Smart Watch aimed at revolutionizing contactless payments, to redefine and make contactless payments accessible to a larger consumer base. Bringing the power of, Tap and Pay to every wrist, the initiative will empower users to unlock the full potential of smart wearables and democratize convenient financial solutions, enabling users to stay ahead of the curve and enjoy the benefits of the future of payments.
These smart watches, developed by Noise and enabled by Airtel Payments Bank will boost Tap and Pay capabilities, and enhance the experience for users by bringing the convenience of contactless payments through the smart wearables. The smart watch will empower Airtel Payments Bank’s customers to do more with their wearable, making it a one-stop solution for their daily lifestyle needs. The new smart watch is now available to be purchased at INR 2,999.
Customers who have a savings account with Airtel Payments Bank can purchase this smart watch from the Airtel Thanks App. Customers who are new to the bank can order the smart watch immediately by opening a bank account digitally on Airtel Thanks App. They can then activate the watch by linking it to their savings bank account via the Thanks App in just one minute. Once linked, users can immediately commence making payments by simply tapping the watch on Point of Sale (POS) machines with the Tap N Pay facility. A customer would be able to make payments between INR 1 to INR 25,000 per day using the Airtel Payments Bank Smart Watch.