Talking about the cricketing spectacles Sreesanth said “I would love to see Yashasvi Jaiswal, I said as it’s a T20 format and Virat Kohli coming at no. 3, Yashasvi Jaiswal will have that freedom to express himself that Virat bhai(Virat Kohli) aa raha hai, Virat bhai (Virat Kohli) is there to bat after me, so Rohit Sharma can play the sheet-anchor role, Yashasvi Jaiswal can play freely and Virat Kohli can come and steady the innings and put the score on the board or if the chasing nothing like Yashasvi Jaiswal opening going after the bowling and Virat Kohli coming and finishing the game with Rohit Sharma.”
Disney+ Hotstar also streams an exclusive first-of-its-kind LIVE cricket show, ‘Caught & Bold’ featuring Harbhajan Singh, S. Sreesanth, Piyush Chawla, Ambati Rayudu, Sanjay Manjrekar and a host of other former cricketers from around the world with Varun Thakur and Rohan Joshi as hosts and Ocean Sharma, Arjun Pandit and Navneeth Krishna as co-presenters. Hosted for the fans, this show airs every match day and provides a fun take on cricket, enabling fans to share their opinions live and participate in quizzes.
The ICC Men’s T20 World Cup 2024 is streaming LIVE and FREE on mobile on Disney+ Hotstar